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A collection of clippings from the ruminatings, schemings and happenings from our organisation and its members...

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The Bug

After another year on the paddock, it's time to reflect...

Dearest burners,

It’s been a hot minute since we were shin deep in mud on the paddock together, I hope you’ve all integrated back into the default world smoothly after such a wild ride!

While every year is unique, this one blended a variety of extreme conditions that set the stage for our craziest time so far.

A pandemic, flooding, road closures and even a freak hail storm were just a few of the challenges we faced, yet we adapted and charged on still burning with the resilience, communal effort and participation our community is known for.

We explored, laughed, danced, cried, exchanged stories and shared our time and energy with faces both old and new.

To each and every one of you that made it this year, thank you.

Whether you brought a theme camp, built some art, cooked food, lent a shoulder or ear to someone, shared your knowledge or skills, hosted an event or just walked around being fantastical, you were no doubt responsible for putting a smile on someone’s face.

From the first stake that was driven into the ground through to the final car that drove off the paddock (well, towed actually...), I witnessed a humble community of doers who showed endless acts of kindness. But these words are merely pulled together from the viewing lens of my perspective…

What I’m really interested in is hearing how the burn was for you!

An important part of any event includes gauging the make-up of our community, gathering feedback and most importantly, ensuring we can do our best to further create the space that you, our community, wants to see.

It’s especially important to hear from everyone after such a crazy year. This feedback not only helps us get a snapshot of our current state-of-play, but it ensures that your voice is taken into account when shaping future events.

What went spectacularly? What didn’t?

What can we do to make sure we do it better?

We want to hear your answers to these questions!

Filling out the survey is anonymous and takes only 5 minutes.*

*Depending on how much feedback you have of course...

We hope to have the majority of responses in time for our Annual Summit on 25 September, where we hope to present our findings to everyone. Jump in now and give us your thoughts on how it all went.

If you'd like to stay in touch, the surest method is to subscribe to the BURN Arts newsletter, Bug Spray, here.

This event is driven and shaped by volunteers who dedicate their time to make it happen, so if you have a burning desire to change something or introduce new ideas you’re always welcome to join the production crew! If you’re keen, email to get in touch.

Much love,


Your Event Producer

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